Arturo 'Zentyk' Sanchez

Welcome to the jungle!

I like to create interactive projects for internet

🙎‍ About Me

I'm a multimedia/interactive developer with a passion for creating games and 3D content for the web. The last game i made is Runy, a 3D mobile game.

I been working on Game Development since 2016 using Unity and C# in my past projects. I'm currently focused on create Game Development and 3D tools for WebGL and WebGPU.

Usually the most jobs I have are related to game development but i have experience in e-comerce, and automotive industries.

👁️ Mini-Tools


a simple site to notify ETH price changes realtime to MXN try it now.


Anomy is a basic encryption tool for sensitive/private information, made with C# and WPF. An RSA algorithm generates the key pairs which contains the passwords to decrypt an AES-Message or Encrypted File. Get it here


Paroligen (from georgian 'p’arolis generat’ori') is a simple password generator that generates passwords of 16 characters. The tool is built with Vue.js 3 and Typescript, learn more or try now.


An Adobe XD Plug-in to switch colors between Ligth/Dark Color Modes in Applications, learn more.


A Customizable CSS Library, Responsive, learn more.

🚀 Current Projects

Framework 96

I have under development a Resident Evil framework/template called Framework96 the tool is made with Babylon.js and Typescript as main technologies, but may migrate to be a C project for PS1.

Pethome Backend

In my spare time I'm contributing to develop the backend of a collaborator's app Pethome using typescript and express.js

Babylon.js course

Do you want to learn the technologies i use? Babylon.js is my favorite tool to create games/tools/software/apps for web browsers and i teach how to use it Here

🏆 Accomplishments

Cranky Bamboo - 2017 (Unpublished, please WHATGames repost the game!)

The first game released with all my efforts is Cranky Bamboo an Android/iOS casual mobile game

Runy - 2020

My first (and last) game published is Runy a 3D mobile game made with Unity and C#. It's the last game i made with Unity before migrate to web development

Blast Heroes - 2021

The first game I contributed with javascript is "Blast Heroes" a snapchat game, learn more

Metaverse already exists since 1965... is the internet!

🌮 Work History

1 Simple Game

Backend Developer for a mobile cloud-based game.

Tech used : express.js, mocha, chai, google datastore

GGTech Entertainment


Maintain internal testing software for Web and Desktop Applications for automotive industry.

Tech used: WPF, SQL Server, Windows Forms, ASP.Net WebAPI.

ELMI VR (2018-2019)

Gameloft (2017)

Maintain and add features to the WHATGames project Cranky Bamboo, an Android/iOS casual game.

Tech used: Unity

Hot Potato Art (2017)

Create, maintain and design Mobile casual games and AR-enabled mobile apps.

Tech used: Unity and Vuforia for AR.

SAGOMU (2015-2017)

Contributed to create, design and maintain AR-enabled mobile apps for clients. Created the first version of

Tech used: Unity, Vuforia, PHP, HTML, Javascript, MySQL.

See you in the
real world!